
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Disney here we come!

We are planning our first trip to Disney World.  This will be our first time and we can't wait!!!!  We are going over Spring Break and I just started planning 1 week ago!  Everyone I talk to planned for at least 6 months and here I am just starting.  Everyone gasps when I tell them I have just started the planning process.  In one day I have planned my trip.  Now onto the itinerary.  Now this may take some time.  There is so much to do and see, how will I fit it all in?  The question is do we do the waterparks also?  i am thinking not!  Although they look AWESOME online, my thinking is don't include them in our package and if we want to do them one day, we will pay for an individual day.  So waterpark, No, check!  Resort chosen, check, day of departure and day of return, check, dining options, check, American Idol experience, double check.  We have a friend and both of her very talented daughters will be doing the American Idol experience and if they make it through we will be in the audience that night to vote them through.  If one of them wins they get to skip the main judging and go straight to the American Idol judges, Ellen, Randy, Simon and Kara.  That is awesome, we are so excited about it!  Anyway, we are all in Disney mode and can't wait.  I want Mickey ears, if nothing else!

M-I-C-K-E-Y   M-O-U-S-E!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Like Granfather Like Grandson!

My dad is one of a kind.  I just as most young people thought my parents were just mean and didn't know what they were talking about.  I was never really close to my dad.  Don't get me wrong, I loved my dad but we just didn't "hang out" and converse.  Now that I am older, I have found a new realtionship with my dad.  He is my "buddy"!  He is of Italian decent, so he has that temper side!  We have the best time!  More on that another day!  Today I want to tell you a funny story:  The other day I went to pick him up, as I do once or twice a week.  He came out the door and jumped in the car, ready to go.  As I am backing out he said " Where's my glasses?", I stopped and looked at him and composed myself as I said "They are on your face!"  he just died laughing.  I began to back out a little more and he said "Hold up, where's my phone?", I stopped and looked at him and this time I couldn't hold it.  I burst into laughter and said "It is in your hand!"  He just laughed and said "I am loosing my mind!"  Well the apple didn't fall far from the tree.  My middle son, Bailey, we call him Bay, must have inherited that gene.  This morning I sat and watched him sit his book and bookbag down to put his shoes on.  He stood up and picked up his bookbag and then started turning in circles.  I said "What's the matter, son?" knowing good and well he's looking for his book.  He starts to panick knowing we need to be leaving for school, "Where is my book, I just sat it down right here!!!!"  I asked him "are you sure it is not there?"  He said "Yes, but it WAS here!"  I said "Son, stop and look down", he said "Oh!  I knew I left it here!"
Like I said, "Like Grandfather, Like Grandson"

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Feeling lost and

Trying to find my way.  Have you ever felt like everyone and everything around you is moving so fast that you can't seem to keep up?  I am feeling like that now.  I have even found myself not getting my "alone" time with God.  Now that I realize that He has been put on the backburner, I also realize that is why things are so out of hand and chaotic.  We have had some problems in our family lately along with some very exciting things.  I have had to be a rock for the people around me and take matters into my hands. I have had to be strong when I felt very weak.  I am the shoulder people come to cry on and the one that supposedly gives good advise.  But on my end I am not feeling that way at all.  I feel beat and my world seems in such a disaster.  My home is a mess and I can't seem to get the energy to get it in order.  With a husband, a dog and 3 kids I really need to find that motivation, but I can't find it.  My weight is out of control.  Willpower?  I think I have heard that word a time or two but where do you get this willpower.  Some say within.  I have looked there and I don;t seem to carry this mysterious "willpower".  I want it and I need it but I do not have it.  My health is becoming an issue.  For years I put myself off.  A toothache or a pain here or there, I tell myself it can wait.  Well, I have waited to long. My must everything seem so difficult?  Why does it all seem out of reach?  Am I happy? Yes!  Just feeling overwelmed and discouraged.  I look around at friends and family and I wonder "How do they do it?" How can they keep up with everyone and everything. How do they keep the house up, cook meals and look so put together and accomplish the extras that life gives us? I guess to find this answer I have to look to the Lord. My journey will include self transformation physically and mentally. I will learn to be a better wife, mother daughter and friend. I will learn what it takes to accomplish the tasks that need accomplishing. I will find that time each day to set aside for my alone time with God.

Let my journey begin!

Iaiah 40:31

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Monday, January 4, 2010

What a blessing this day brought us.....

January 4, 2009, Cooper Anthony was born.  This is my nephew.  He was born to Kerry and Amber.  Kerry is my little brother.  I use the word little losely, Kerry is over six feet tall and probably 200 lbs.  He is 12 years younger than I am, so to me he is still my little brother.  Amber is the most beautiful young woman and she brings a bright light to our family.  They in themselves are blessings but together they have created the most beautiful blessing and gift to all of us, Cooper.  Cooper is a Middle English name meaning Barrell Maker, hmmm, that is interesting.  He came into this world weighing 6lbs 3 oz and 19 inches long.  A head full of light brown hair and believe me his entrance was grand.  His daddy came down the long hallway towards us all (just like in the movies) carrying this little bundle in his large arms.  Cooper was content that way and so was his Daddy.  My little brother is a dad.  WOW!  I kissed him and told him how proud I was.  I had to leave before I got to hold this little gift.  I will get to hold him in the morning.  God is so good and we are very thankful to be so blessed.  His life has just begun and we are all here to teach and lead this little fellow to follow our Lord.

Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up to salvation– if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good.

(1 Peter 2:2-3 ESV)